Friday, January 24, 2020

Tunnel Vision In Reading :: essays research papers

Reading involves translating symbols and letters into words or sentences. Anderson defines reading as a process of constructing meaning from a written text. We indulge in reading for many different purposes, be it survival, leisure or occupational. In a way, reading serves as a kind communication between the writer and the reader. The writer encodes what he or she wishes to convey while the reader decodes according to his or her own perception. Johnson quotes â€Å"A young man should read five hours in a day, and so may acquire a great deal of knowledge.† However, there as several problems which hinders the reading process, one of them being ‘tunnel vision’. This is a condition experienced by most readers especially beginners. This is because they lack ‘non visual information’ when trying to digest certain texts. Non visual information is what is stored in the brain, prior knowledge or specific information which will enable the brain to associate with whatever is received through the eyes thus bringing comprehension to the reader’s mind when reading a text. The inability of the brain to use this information due the over-load of visual information, will cause it to take more time to make decisions on what are seen. For example, a student unfamiliar with certain words in a purposely distorted text may have to take a few seconds longer to recognize them rather than familiar words which only require a single glance. Tunnel vision also occurs when readers are asked to read texts that are written in a language they do not know or a writing system they can’t discern. As there is no non-visual information what so ever in that particular language and writing system, they will not be able to read the text, let alone understand it. For example, a Malay student will have a serious problem if requested to read a passage in Russian! There are also cases when texts written in readers’ first language fails to enlightened them. This is because they have no prior knowledge on the ideas or facts written. A student majoring in Arts will have problem comprehending a text written on Chemical Engineering and vice versa. This inevitably causes ‘tunnel vision’ to resurface. They could go on reading till the last page of the text without understanding the content. Tunnel vision slows down the reading process, as readers are unable to identify or interpret any part of the text.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Administrative Competence of Local Officials Essay

Explain what mechanisms would you suggest to improve the administrative competence of local officials to make local government units effective partners of the national government in the development of the country? With the changing concept of local governance, the local government personnel should be qualified and highly trained for their enabling or facilitative functions. A basic question that is raised is, do they have the competence to perform the enabling functions of local government? In the Philippines, both national and local governments have the responsibility to develop and improve the competencies of the local government personnel. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the Local Government Academy (LGA) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) are mandated by law to build HR capabilities at the local level. See more: Beowulf essay essay The CSC either conducts training activities through its regional 8 offices throughout the country or through its accredited training institutions. Through its regional offices, the CSC has been conducting courses for all state workers which cover the following general areas: supervisory, middle management, clerical or secretarial, technical or professional, values development, employee development, induction, and orientation or reorientation. To develop optimistic work attitudes among the state workers, the CSC offered and administered values development programs which included the Alay Sa Bayan (Offering to the Nation) training program. The CSC has also been touching base with the local government executives through the various Local Government Executive For a. Through this mechanism, the local government executives are updated on the latest civil service laws, rules and regulations and other relevant provisions of the Code. The program is focused on developing and strengthening the managerial and leadership skills of local officials. Training programs are designed to enhance skills and knowledge of employees to make them more effective in their jobs. These are centered on orientation and reorientation; values development; updating of skills for supervisors, middle managers, clerical force, and technical or professional employees; and personnel development. These imply that the kind of training that they receive would make them more effective service providers.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

5 Up-to-the-Point Articles on Climate Change You Can Easily Make Use of in Your Writing

There has been a constant debate on the climate change. Lots of talks have emanated from this debate about the devastating effects, causes, and ways to tackle this global issue. This topic has seeped into classrooms where students are asked to join in the debate. Students are asked to write essays regarding this issue. Most of them know the type of paper, the format they need to write their claims in, but they lack the sources where they can get facts to support their assertion. This is because most articles on climate change on the web are not well-written or written by unreliable authors. Some contain irrelevant and outdated details. With these, students find it challenging to find out good articles on climate change. In this post, we are going to look at some sources you can consult when writing your essay on climate change. 1. Climate Change Not As Threatening To Planet as Previously Thought, New Research Suggests This article on climate change was written and published on the Telegraph website. It highlights the findings of a research by scientists on the immediate effect of climate change. The research by British scientists states that the world is getting warmed less quickly than speculated. This would give the world enough time to come up with solutions to hinder its devastating effects. This article should be read to find out more revelations about the climate change. 2. Global Warming Solutions This article on climate change was published by National Geographic and highlights that climate change is humanly caused and has a solution. It states that it is caused by greenhouse gases, and the world has to reduce the usage of technologies using greenhouse gases. It suggests that alternative sources of energy should be applied. 3. Climate Change: The Case of the Missing Heat This article contained at discusses the contributions the wind, emissions, and oceans make to the effect of climate change. It was speculated by scientists that the global temperature would rise anytime soon. 4. Americans Finally Realize That We Cause Climate Change Huffington Post has published an article on climate change which discusses the recent acknowledgment that climate change is human-induced by Americans. 5. Tropical Lowland Frogs at Greater Risk from Climate Warming Than High-Elevation Species, Study Shows The centerpiece of this article is the risks certain species of frogs is posed to be subjected to by the effects of climate change. This happens because the lowland creatures live in a region where the temperature is extreme to tolerate. These are the list of sources where you can get reliable information on climate change. Do not turn to sources presented by unknown authors, websites, or blogs that are based on posting anything to make high pitches. Choose websites that have enough evidence to support their claims.